Featuring amazing performances by the likes of Billy Ray Cyrus, A Tribe Called Red, Ashley MacIsaac, Sierra Noble and more, ABORIGINAL DAY LIVE 2014 is a variety and performing arts series that showcases the remarkable talents of some of the brightest Aboriginal performers hailing from all corners of Turtle Island. Filmed live in 2014 from Winnipeg, Manitoba and Halifax, Nova Scotia, people from all across Canada came together during the summer solstice to celebrate their unique and diverse cultures through music, dance, comedy, visual arts and many other forms of cultural and artistic expression. The Aboriginal Day Live television series is Canada’s biggest celebration of National Aboriginal Day and the vehicle that captures all of this amazingly diverse talent and shares it with all Canadians on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. Aboriginal Day Live is a sacred gathering, an artistic showcase and a musical celebration that demonstrates the rich and vibrant First Nations, Métis and Inuit cultures that all Canadians can be very proud of. The series is comprised of a three-and-a-half-hour live concert along with a three-hour re-pack of the show and eight half hour episodes spotlighting all the music, dance, comedy and other special moments not seen in the live broadcast.
1 x 3.5 hours English, HD
1 x 3 hours English, HD
8 x 30 English, HD
Broadcaster: APTN
Website: www.aboriginaldaylive.ca